I Wish You Could Hear This! 

I’ve been keeping a secret from you. If you caught last week’s blog (the top 10 most popular blog posts from 2024) you saw that I teased a big announcement at the end of the blog. It’s been in the works for a little while and it’s been a dream for Jeff and me for even longer. 

It’s a … puppy! (Insert an eyeroll from my entire dog-owning ministry team, which KNOWS I am a cat person.)  

No, it’s a podcast! 

I Wish You Could Hear This is the culmination of twenty years of Jeff and I looking at each other saying “I wish people could hear this,” following our interviews or research surveys with more than 40,000 people. 

Now you can!   

What’s the podcast about? 

On I Wish You Could Hear This, my husband Jeff and I will offer the proven and surprising steps to help you thrive in your life, faith and relationships. It’s almost like having a secret decoder ring for your relationship tripwires, unproductive thoughts, or confusing work dynamics.  

Already hooked? Click here to explore our podcast website. We’ve already recorded the first few episodes and you’ll be able to subscribe soon!  (In the meantime, check out this podcast trailer!) 

You’ll hear not only from us but from fellow authors we know (so you hear the good behind-the-scenes stuff!), marriage and relationship experts, everyday people, ministry and business leaders, pastors and counselors, and other researchers. (We promise that last one will be fun and fascinating, not boring!) And episode by episode, we’ll we unlock the surprising secrets that help you thrive. 

In many episodes you’ll hear gripping stories with important takeaways. Or Jeff and I might offer a sneak peek into our latest project, or unpack a simple, but profound “aha moment”—possibly from research that just didn’t make it into one of our books. Other episodes might outline three secret ingredients for a happy marriage or share how God worked in someone’s life in a miraculous way. Another might encourage those just holding on in parenting, ministry, business, or faith with a simple step that can help today.  

Trusted, research-based “little things” that matter—in BOTH blog and podcast form 

As we hope you know, we’re not just armchair quarterbacking ideas or spit-balling “solutions” that sound good. We’ll always deliver what you’ve grown to trust us to provide—proven, research-backed principles and simple, effective actions that are rooted in science and scripture. 

For almost 15 years, we’ve been bringing you the “little things that make a big difference” through our written blog. Now, an email will still come to you each week—but the written blog will usually alternate every other week with a link and a teaser to the latest podcast episode (plus other ministry updates!). Emails from me will now look like this: Blog, then podcast episode, then blog, then … well you get the idea. 

We hope this will give you a way to engage and learn in a whole new way, and loop in new listeners who may not read a blog but who are “podcast people.”  

So please check out our new podcast page on our website! And we encourage you to forward the podcast link to the pastors, counselors, and Christian leaders in your life. The insights we’ll be sharing will help these leaders serve people well.  

Content for subscribers only  

For the first time, we’ll also be releasing exclusive subscriber-only content for our email subscribers. So, if you haven’t already, subscribe to my weekly email list—and keep an eye out for the bonus content that will be coming your way! (Um, my team informs me that there may be some slightly embarrassing outtakes from the podcast involved!)  

What is on tap for this week? 

We are launching I Wish You Could Hear This in a few weeks. But just to “get you in the mood” (ahem, that’s for married couples!), we’re linking this week to one of the top episodes from Married with Benefits, a Family Life podcast I have co-hosted with Brian Goins for four seasons. It also happens to be a throwback to the very first episode we recorded for Season One, Questions Every Wife Is Asking: Why Is He So Interested in Sex? In this episode, Brian and I explored the reality that your husband longs for heart-to-heart connection just like you so—but his efforts sometimes come in disguise. 

Married With Benefits podcast

Just so you know: I Wish You Could Hear This will expand to many topics beyond marriage and sex. With the content above, we’re simply offering a bit of a tease to what you, our loyal readers, can expect going forward in terms of “hearing” me not just through a blog, but now with my actual voice through a podcast. 

We’ll be back with a written blog next week. And we can’t wait to bring you I Wish You Could Hear This very soon. It really is the joy of my life to be able to help listeners thrive in your lives and relationships, and to record alongside Jeff. We could never have imagined when we met literally by bumping into each other as grad students at Harvard (you’ll hear the story in Episode 1!) that these kinds of doors would open to us. 

Thanks for walking through them with us. We can’t wait to bring this new podcast to you!  

If you are interested in having Shaunti bring research-based strategies, practical wisdom and biblical principles to your next event, please contact Nicole Owens at [email protected].

Dive deeper into relationships with our podcast, “I Wish You Could Hear This.” Explore the transformative stories of our guests, each sharing insights that could revolutionize your relationship approach. Navigate challenges, celebrate triumphs, and unlock deeper empathy, and understanding. Tune in to “I Wish You Could Hear This” on your favorite subscription service or watch the episodes on our YouTube channel!

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