What an Attitude Adjustment Can Teach Us About What We DO Have

What an Attitude Adjustment Can Teach Us About What We DO Have

Simple Superpowers Series, Part 1: If we want to make changes in our lives and relationships in the new year, where should we put our attention? What “little things” will make the biggest difference? Researchers have identified actions that have an outsized – almost miraculous – impact for human flourishing. We call these the simple…

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

This is Part 1 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. This week focuses on the solution for an often-subconscious mindset of suspicion. Next week – Thanksgiving week – we’ll look at how to practice gratitude over grumbling. The final week … well, stay tuned. The…

The Big Blind Spot That Is Messing With Your Relationships

The Big Blind Spot That Is Messing With Your Relationships

Did you know that an experiment with a gorilla can teach us a whole lot about creating great relationships? Well, not a gorilla, exactly. But an element of a classic (read: old) study that demonstrated an urgent and timeless truth every one of us must learn if we want to live, work, and play well…

My Gift to You: A Devotion from “Find Joy”
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My Gift to You: A Devotion from “Find Joy”

Hello Friends, November ushers us into a season when we are more intentional about reflecting on all we have to be thankful for. This year, especially, let’s keep that tradition and place our focus on gratitude, kindness, and joy. And I am very grateful for you! As an expression of thanks, here’s a small gift—an…

For the Next Few Weeks, We Have a Choice to Make
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For the Next Few Weeks, We Have a Choice to Make

In a few hours, the polls will close. And for the next few days or weeks, we’ll all have a choice to make: how are we going to handle the outcome of the election? Especially if the “outcome” means flying through intense political turbulence, as simmering frustrations, uncertainties and fears boil over around us. If—or…