Lessons on Perspective in the Dominican Republic

Lessons on Perspective in the Dominican Republic

Last month, my staff director Eileen Kirkland and I went on a five-day ministry trip to the Dominican Republic, visiting a series of areas where Compassion International works. I regularly speak and share about Compassion, but had not previously had a chance to see their on-the-ground work in person. Plus, I have two sponsored children…

When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 3)

When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a three-part series on what to do when life or relationships aren’t what you wanted them to be. In part 1 and part 2 we outlined three important steps that can help us move from frustration and anguish to acceptance and appreciation. This week, we’ll apply those steps specifically to…

When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 2)

When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 2)

This is the second part of a three-part series on what to do when life or relationships aren’t what you wanted them to be. In last week’s part 1 we started with a challenging but important first step. Today, we explore two more. I’ve always wished I could draw, paint and do graphic design. I…

When You Hear Something that Rocks Your World, 4 Ways to Not Freak Out

When You Hear Something that Rocks Your World, 4 Ways to Not Freak Out

There’s lots to freak out about right now isn’t there? From our kids’ choices and business pressures to policy issues we are passionate about, there’s always something. And those “somethings” are often very real concerns. Yet the bigger concern is one we often don’t see: Are we making things worse, in our mind and heart,…