Want a happy marriage? 3 Ways to Nix All Marriage Negativity

Want a happy marriage? 3 Ways to Nix All Marriage Negativity

There’s a couple I know who just seems to have their act together. They’re a joy to be around and it’s obvious that they genuinely like being around each other, too! No, they’re not perfect (they have kids and jobs and, ahem, they’re human!) but their drama seems to be kept at a minimum. Over…

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

Dear Shaunti, I can’t wait until the presidential election is over. My husband and I were on the same page politically until a few months ago, but are now very divided. I literally can’t skim past a cable news channel without my husband trying to force me into a discussion about a political issue. He’s trying…