What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

You giggled about it in middle school, read about it in books, and have seen it implied or portrayed countless times on-screen. And your mind and heart have absorbed dozens of myths about sex in the process. Some of these misconceptions are relatively harmless (stock up on those oysters!) – but some are keeping you…

Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 2

Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 2

These two articles (see Part 1, here) are new entries in our series to equip engaged and newlywed couples  – and anyone else trying to create a great marriage. Based on more than 18 years of research and 12 nationally-representative studies with more than 40,000 men and women, these articles identify some of the most…

Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 1 
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Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 1 

This is a new entry in our series to equip engaged and newlywed couples – and anyone else trying to create a great marriage. Based on more than 18 years of research and 12 nationally representative studies with more than 40,000 men and women, these articles identify simple (but essential) habits for highly happy marriages….

Three Keys for Keeping Holiday Stress at Bay

Three Keys for Keeping Holiday Stress at Bay

Christmas is coming! We are in the season of warmth, kindness, yummy eggnog, romantic Hallmark movies … and crammed schedules, equally crammed parking lots, crazy weather, and financial stresses. How can we keep our inner Cindy-Lou Who intact and avoid becoming a grouchy old Grinch? There are three little truths we’ve seen in the research…