How to Find True Rest – Even in Our Busy Lives

True rest. Our bodies long for it. Our souls need it. And yet whether we’re senior executives or stay-at-home moms, we all know the feeling of bouncing around in our own lives like we’re pinballs in a pinball machine.

I know I do.

Ziinng! Time to hustle the kids out the door. Zoiinnng! I’m running late for my meeting and traffic is horrible! Zaaapp! My daughter is sick and my project isn’t working out right. Zooom! Time to rush my son to his guitar lesson, work on my laptop in the parking lot, check in with my husband (have I even talked to him today?), and figure out dinner. Zonk. The ball hit a wall and so did I.

I don’t know what it’s like in your house when you hit a wall, but in mine? Look out. Impatience, irritability, or exhaustion can creep in real fast if I let them.

Science and scripture show us a better way. And that’s why I invite you to join me this summer for a 7-week devotional journey into deeper rest. Based on my top-selling book Find Rest, my first-ever online summer devotional journey for women will feature:

  • Live, interactive weekly group meetings with me, for teaching and Q & A
  • Light devotional readings that can lead you from frazzled to refreshed
  • Bonus material not found in Find Rest
  • Customized content, based on group feedback

Find Rest devotional journey details

This 7-week devotional journey kicks off at 1 p.m. EST on June 11 with a live, online meeting. I’ll be on-screen most weeks teaching, answering questions, and asking for your feedback with interactive ideas and prompts along the way.

Will we have 40 women? Will we have 400? We’ll find out as we take this journey together! I’m excited to see who God will bring. (The first 20 women who sign up will receive a beautiful set of 10 Find Rest notecards, so if you KNOW you want in, why wait?  Sign up today!)

  • Meetings last 1 hour and go from June 11-July 30 (July 2 is an off week)
  • There is a playback option for those who can’t attend live
  • The cost for this 7-week journey is $20 plus your individual purchase of Find Rest.

One of THE best ways to learn these truths is in community. So I would love it if you would gather friends or a small group to go through the material together. I’d also LOVE it if you would let others know about this! So please forward this email or blog link!

Summer is an ideal season to Find Rest

I’ve been thinking about launching an online experience like this for some time, and let’s face it: With school breaks, family vacations, and lighter church programming, summer can be a tricky time to stay connected with our friend groups and God’s word.

And that’s what makes summer the perfect time to keep up with light devotional readings and reflections while digging deep once a week into God’s promises. Promises like:

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29 NLT)

Do you see the assurance in the above passage? There is a way to find rest! It’s by taking a yoke upon us that was meant to fit!

The result may not always be rest in our bodies (with the many demands that come with life today) but it will be rest in our souls. We can experience great peace even in a very busy life – and even amid the storms.

Final thoughts and an invitation

Since I am both a follower of Christ and a researcher, I have studied not only what the Bible says in passages such as the one above, but also what science says about how to achieve rest. And what I’ve found is that much of the stress and worry we face doesn’t have to be there.

We can stop striving. We can renew our minds. We can strengthen the relationships that water our souls. We can stop succumbing to fear, comparison, and the tyranny of the urgent.

Travel with me this summer through a day-by-day series of simple, eye-opening moments that will lead us into the rest we long for. We’ll experience more than just a “time out” or a moment of nice inspiration each day. We’ll actually find rest in our “inner souls,” and experience peace in the crazy, wonderful lives we are living.

So, forward this blog post to your small group or friends, register today, and join me for a summer devotional experience that’s much more than just a Bible study in a box. It’s a 7-week interactive journey to finding the true rest our souls crave.

I am really looking forward to seeing you this summer,

If you are interested in having Shaunti bring these life-changing truths to your next event, please contact Nicole Owens at [email protected]

Unlock the secrets to thriving relationships with Shaunti’s proven, research-based strategies, practical wisdom and biblical principles at

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