The Top Ten Blog Posts From 2021

What a year, right? We thought 2020 was crazy, but for me and our family and this ministry, 2021 was even more over-the-top. Breast cancer. Surgery and radiation. Guest blogs by many author friends while I was recovering. Supply chain disruptions that caused books to be stuck in containers and on rails instead of in stores and on Amazon. In-person events starting to come back—oh wait, never mind, no they aren’t. And of course, fielding all the surveys for the latest research project on sex and actually having to write the book! (Which I’m still in the middle of… take a look at my sort-of-daily Instagram Stories during the writing process.)

Each of you have your own “crazy 2021” story.

It’s become a late-December tradition for us to share the most popular blog posts from the year so you can catch up on posts you may have missed, especially the ones that so many people connected with. And this crazy year I was particularly wondering: what would people most connect with?

Perhaps not surprisingly, the majority of the top ten posts are marriage-focused—and specifically on some super-practical things each of us can do. If you haven’t seen these articles (as well as many other resources), my team and I hope these give you both encouragement and practical steps to grow your relationship, solve problems, and thrive as a couple. Even beyond marriage, we hope these help you thrive in life!

One special note this year: I am incredibly grateful for my author friends who provided guest posts as I was recovering. And I’m thankful that the wisdom they shared resonated so well that two of their posts appear on this list!

And so, without further ado (as they say), here are this year’s top ten blog posts:

10. When the Enemy is Attacking Your Marriage (guest post by Ashley Willis)

9. Commit to Your Marriage By Going “All-In”

8. Praying For the People of Afghanistan and Haiti

7. Four Phrases Your Wife Would Love to Hear From You

6. Here’s What Your Man is Really Thinking

5. The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 3: “If My Spouse Loved Me, They Would WANT To Do What Warms My Heart!”

4. Stop Hooking Up In Your Marriage (guest post by Dr. Juli Slattery)

3. Does Your Husband Shut Down When You Ask Questions? Here’s Why

2. The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 1: One Simple Sentence That Will Delight Your Wife

1. When You Tease Your Husband, It’s Really No Joke

More “aha moments” and encouragement are in the works for the new year and beyond. Stay tuned!

Wishing you a beautiful and joyous New Year!

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And if you are interested in having Shaunti speak on kindness for your workplace, church, school or community group, please contact Nicole Owens at

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  1. Thank you Shaunti,
    From the days of the Flintstones to the years of I Love Lucy, there have been thousands of role models for bashing men, and other leaders in our lives. The barrage it’s relentless, and full of intent. The counter-agents that work against us are many, even in our household. When it is in the church even, it is inexcusable. I would be a different man if others would see this and change. I hoped to take and win the 30 day challenge of kindness you suggest here. My wife and I have already been changed for the better thanks to a year of your ministry! Good bless you and your marriage outreach.

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