Men Perceive “Emotions” as Way More Than Crying

Men Perceive “Emotions” as Way More Than Crying

We always say that men are uncomfortable with emotions.  But what does that really mean?  What do they consider to be part of the “emotional” realm?  It can’t be that men have no emotions.  Rather, men display emotion differently than women.  Biological architecture of male brains enables them to experience the four basic emotions –…

Husband Duck

Husband Duck

I know that probably the only reason this touched me so much is that I’m sleep deprived from too many 3:30 a.m. wake-ups for early flights BUT I just had to share this picture.  I drove into a busy gas station this morning and saw this husband duck hovering protectively over his wife, who was…

Don’t Freak Out!

Don’t Freak Out!

Don’t Freak Out! That advice seems so simple in theory, but if you have children – especially teens and tweens — it is pretty natural to react in a way that they interpret as ‘freaking out’, which shuts down lines of communication without you ever realizing it. I must have gotten 20 plus texts the other…

Depression Bandaid

Struggling with depression in your marriage?  Be encouraged with this article and know that you are not alone. One of my foundational teachings from my research is that we women want (and need) our husbands to love us even when we are unlovely, while men need us to respect them even when they may make…