Christmas Money Tension? Strengthen Your Marriage by Pooling Finances

Christmas Money Tension? Strengthen Your Marriage by Pooling Finances

Not long ago, I got into a conversation with a young couple trying to navigate the journey of their first Christmas as husband and wife. Not surprisingly, they had discovered the road was full of potholes. Given how hard it is to buy an affordable house these days, she was eager to start radically saving…

What Adult Children Need – And Don’t Need – From Their Parents

What Adult Children Need – And Don’t Need – From Their Parents

Earlier this year, my three-part series for parents of empty nesters looked at how we parent adult kids when they are grown and gone. But what do our adult kids themselves say they need? Read on to discover a few additional – and essential – action steps.  For years, we build activities, budgets, and family…

Solutions for Sarcasm? Yeah, Right. (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 3)

Solutions for Sarcasm? Yeah, Right. (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. Part 1 tackled suspicion, Part 2 examined grumbling, and Part 3 takes aim at solutions for sarcasm. One of my friends has a sign in her laundry room that says – in a very…

From Grumbling to Grateful! (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 2)

From Grumbling to Grateful! (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. Last week we tackled suspicion, and the secrets for overcoming it. With Thanksgiving in view, we focus this week on gratitude – the solution for grumbling. A couple years ago, I spotted a glass…

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

This is Part 1 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. This week focuses on the solution for an often-subconscious mindset of suspicion. Next week – Thanksgiving week – we’ll look at how to practice gratitude over grumbling. The final week … well, stay tuned. The…