Need Rest? Finding It May Look Different for Men and Women

Need Rest? Finding It May Look Different for Men and Women

Did you know that finding rest may look different for men and women? Even after all the research I’ve done, this was a new one for me. And yet in today’s world, where anxiety and stress are at unprecedented levels, understanding this truth is vital for us “weary and burdened” people to whom Jesus promises…

A Surprising Way to Encourage Your Kids’ Faith

A Surprising Way to Encourage Your Kids’ Faith

Some time back, I met a mother and daughter at a conference where I was speaking. Unlike the energized people around us, they were quiet and downcast. It turns out, a debilitating injury had just ended all of the daughter’s opportunities to play volleyball in college. They were devastated. The mother said they were trying…

The Big Blind Spot That Is Messing With Your Relationships

The Big Blind Spot That Is Messing With Your Relationships

Did you know that an experiment with a gorilla can teach us a whole lot about creating great relationships? Well, not a gorilla, exactly. But an element of a classic (read: old) study that demonstrated an urgent and timeless truth every one of us must learn if we want to live, work, and play well…