Strangers Among Us

Strangers Among Us

  Overall: after being married for 10+ years we are total strangers to each other and thinking about packing it in. Any advice?  By Jackie Coleman Instant news updates, instant popcorn, instant messaging…instant gratification. Our businesses revolve around efficiency and speedy results. Our grocery stores are filled with foods of convenience. Our technology allows us…

10 Facts Every Parent Should Know about Their Teen's Brain

10 Facts Every Parent Should Know about Their Teen's Brain

Inside the teen mind This is a fascinating article that every parent needs to read, about the brain development of teens.  It’s a summary on the LiveScience website, of some of the brain science research that will  explain all sorts of puzzling things!  It certainly did for me!  I’m eager to get more into the…

Cover Girl!

Cover Girl!

Sunscreen, towel, bathing suit…..and cover up! Something to think about when we take our daughters shopping for that new bathing suit or cute outfit! Summer is here along with all the fun bright patterns and colors, sandals and pedicures … and swimsuits.  For the majority of moms, when our little girls start blossoming, their natural…