Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration

Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration

Tip 53: Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration Guys, I know this is a huge shocker, but…. women’s brains are wired differently than men’s. I know there are times when you as a husband probably feel completely baffled by your wife’s thoughts and actions. One man recently shared with…

When State Says Pot is OK, How Do I Convince My Child It Isn’t?

When State Says Pot is OK, How Do I Convince My Child It Isn’t?

Dear Shaunti, We live in Colorado, where pot is now visible on every corner. For my teenagers, seeing someone smoking pot is as now as commonplace as seeing someone smoking cigarettes; it’s viewed as a harmless pastime. But it isn’t harmless, and I don’t want my kids to be enticed by drugs. My husband and…

Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

For all current information about The 30-Day Kindness Challenge, including Shaunti’s new book The Kindness Challenge, please click here. Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! And weeeeee’re off!  The starter’s gun has fired and you’re off and running on a thirty day marathon that will lead to some great encouragement in your lives and marriages….