A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples

A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples

A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples A few months back, Jeff and I came across a highly successful model of pre-marital preparation at a church in a small town in Michigan; after seventeen years, among couples who were getting married for the first time, not one had since gotten…

Wives, if you earn more than he does, show even more appreciation

Wives, if you earn more than he does, show even more appreciation

Welcome to Marriage Mondays! Each Monday, join me as I share my top findings on the little, eye-opening things about men, women, and relationships that make a big difference in creating great marriages. Tip #49: Wives, if you earn more than he does, show even more appreciation As women’s earning power has changed over the last fifty years, so…