Getting “The Call” – That My Father Had a Stroke In Singapore

Getting “The Call” – That My Father Had a Stroke In Singapore

….Written from a hospital in Singapore… Jeff and I had just finished three days of speaking at the amazing HIM conference in Hawaii, had had a restful night sleep, a leisurely breakfast, and were just about to start our mini-two day vacation around beautiful Oahu. It was Sunday morning of March 22, and we were…

Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance!

Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance!

Tip #50: Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance! Ladies: When you think of romance, what does it look like? A candlelit dinner? Getting whisked away for a night of dance lessons? Having a picnic and watching the sunset? For many women, these kinds of dates are what…