
Navigating Life’s Trials with Gary Thomas

After one hundred and twenty straight book rejections, this week’s podcast guest Gary Thomas landed the book deal he spent eight years working toward. You might have heard of the book—it’s a little title that’s sold more than one million copies, Sacred Marriage.   This week Gary unpacks the personal realities that led to the profound thoughts in his bestselling book. (If you haven’t read it, I strongly urge you to pick up a copy!)

This week Gary unpacks the personal realities that led to the profound thoughts in his bestselling book. (If you haven’t read it, I strongly urge you to pick up a copy!) 

Also on the podcast we get real about what it’s like to navigate attacks and divisiveness in the public marriage ministry space. We go behind the scenes in this episode on so many things, including Gary’s simple, doable strategies for navigating the criticism he has faced. (Hint: His strategies are two things he is intentional about every day—two things that each of us can focus on when facing criticism or fallout of any kind. You won’t want to miss it!) 

Also, if you have lost a loved one recently, you will be strengthened by Gary’s fresh experience and insight. “It was as beautiful as something as ugly as death can be,” he said, describing the very recent passing of his own dad, who lived to age 95 and left a 68-year marriage legacy of a “love that grew exponentially.” 

Marriage does and can get better. Tune in this week to discover big-picture truths and everyday practices—including one courageous step that can help insulate rather than isolate your marriage. 

Episode 4 details:  

Episode 4: Navigating Life’s Trials with Gary Thomas 

Release Date: March 11, 2025  

Duration: 40 minutes   

Summary: In this heartfelt conversation, Gary Thomas shares his personal journey through trials, the legacy of love from his family, and the profound impact of marriage on spiritual growth. He reflects on the challenges of writing and the importance of perseverance in the face of rejection, all while emphasizing the beauty of relationships and the lessons learned through life’s hardships. Also in this conversation, Gary and the Feldhahns recalled the power that a simple phone call can have to encourage someone in their life and ministry. 


Resources & Links Mentioned:   


Gary Thomas

Gary Thomas Books on Amazon

Practical help for Real Life 

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