Join us for the 30-Day Kindness Challenge! (Explanation)

For all current information about The 30-Day Kindness Challenge, including Shaunti’s new book The Kindness Challenge, please click here.


New Habits, New Enjoyment in Your Marriage / Relationship!

Join us for the 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

Hi friends!

We have a fun initiative coming up, and would love you to join us.  Here are the details:


  1. Don’t say anything negative about your husband – either to him or about him to someone else.
  2. Each day, find at least one thing that you appreciate and/or enjoy about your husband, and tell him and at least one other person.
  3. Each day, do one little act of kindness for him.


  1. Don’t be distracted and don’t withdraw: give your wife your full attention in conversation, at least 15 minutes a day. (And, when you are upset with each other, stay in the game five more minutes past when you want to escape.)
  2. Each day, find at least one thing that you enjoy or appreciate about her, and tell her.
  3. Each day, do one little act of kindness for her.

That’s it!

Whether your relationship is rah-rah or rocky, doing those three little things will be the best possible gift you can give yourself and your relationship.  Try it and see!

A great present idea: buy a journal or notebook, record a sentence or two about one positive thing each day, perhaps capture a great story or two, and give it to your mate after the challenge is done.

Over those 30 days, we’ll be sharing our stories and can’t wait to hear yours. Join us by signing up to receive a new challenge every day by email.

Change what you think, say and do and watch your marriage change too!

Leaders: Want your people to join in?

Check out The Best Habit for Improving Marriages: click here

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