My Kids Are Freaked Out About the Shemitah

My Kids Are Freaked Out About the Shemitah

Dear Shaunti, Recently my husband and I read Jonathan Cahn’s book The Harbinger, so we’re attuned to the signals of a “shaking” coming in our country.  Financial markets are tanking as we near the Shemitah, just as Cahn warned might happen. [Editorial note: the current 7-year Shemitah cycle, based on the ancient Hebrew calendar, ended…

Actions Don’t Always Speak Louder than Words: How Should You Affirm Your Wife?

Actions Don’t Always Speak Louder than Words: How Should You Affirm Your Wife?

Dear Shaunti, I’m in hot water.  My wife is the most beautiful, amazing woman I know. (I’m sure she’d tell you otherwise, but it’s true.) But I just don’t talk a lot, and it is hard for me to remember to say things like “You look pretty” out loud. Last week, she had an epic…

Why is it that MEN always seem to be the ones who look at porn and cheat?

Why is it that MEN always seem to be the ones who look at porn and cheat?

Dear Shaunti, Why is it always men who look at porn, hide things, and cheat?  I’m a single woman, and I can’t help but notice that in the news last week, the one thing Josh Duggar and most of the Ashley Madison cheaters have in common is that they are all men.   Supposedly, even the few women…