Discuss With Your Daughters: Miss America’s Red Cup and Being Yourself

Discuss With Your Daughters: Miss America’s Red Cup and Being Yourself

Did you catch the Miss America pageant this weekend?  A large percentage of the population missed it, either accidentally or on purpose –so did we!—but the social media world exploded anyway.  And instead of people analyzing the dresses, rolling their eyes about the swimsuit contest, or dishing about the embarrassing personal revelations, everyone was talking…

Wow – a commercial that shows a great dad, not a doofus dad!

Wow – a commercial that shows a great dad, not a doofus dad!

You HAVE to see this great new commercial for Peanut Butter Cheerios that my husband Jeff sent my way! What a refreshing change to see a commercial that features a strong, confident dad, presents such a man as the NORM, and celebrates how guys just do a few things differently as parents. Definitely a contrast…

Prince Charming Wasn't a Quarterback: Giving Your Son Confidence (Even though He's Not Mr. Popular)

Prince Charming Wasn't a Quarterback: Giving Your Son Confidence (Even though He's Not Mr. Popular)

Dear Shaunti, My 17 year-old son has a great sense of humor, and is fun to be around, but he doesn’t have a lot of confidence with girls because he’s self-conscious about his looks. (Of course, I think he’s adorable but he says that doesn’t count.) He says the girls at school only want to…