The two most dangerous assumptions women make about relationships

The two most dangerous assumptions women make about relationships

After I finished speaking at a recent women’s event, a beautiful woman who I will call Sierra came up to ask me a question.  “How can I get my husband to do anything to improve our relationship?  He has completely shut down on me.  He won’t go to counseling, he won’t read any books.”  She…

Let’s Stop Dissing Dads (And the Daddy Commercial That Made Me Cry)

Let’s Stop Dissing Dads (And the Daddy Commercial That Made Me Cry)

OK, it’s my turn to ask a question: why do we think it is okay to publicly ridicule men as lazy, uncaring so-and-so’s who just don’t work as hard as we noble, all-giving, all-caring women? A friend showed me this e-card recently, and it made me steaming mad.  For those who can’t see the image,…

3 Reasons Your Wife Plays Games Instead of Telling You What She Wants

3 Reasons Your Wife Plays Games Instead of Telling You What She Wants

Not long ago, someone we know got engaged via a multi-stage, elaborate proposal that had clearly taken an immense amount of thought and effort.  A mutual friend, upon hearing the story, told him, “Good job.  Only 9,999,999 tests left to go.”  The lucky groom, of course, wondered: why do women “test” and “play games” with…

2 Things to Do if You Want Your Teen to Talk to You

2 Things to Do if You Want Your Teen to Talk to You

“How was school?” (Shrug.) “Fine.” “What did you do?” “Nothin’.” If this sounds familiar, join the club!  Not only do I have two teenagers, but I’ve interviewed and surveyed about 3,000 of them for For Parents Only and other books, and discovered that the condition homo teenagesapiens silenticus (otherwise known as “being a teenager who is uninformatively…

Want a Great Marriage? Ask yourself this sneakily important question! 

Want a Great Marriage? Ask yourself this sneakily important question! 

Whether you want to improve a difficult marriage or celebrate a great one, I’ve seen in all the research — especially for The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages — that one of the best possible things you can do is to ask yourself: How did I meet my spouse and fall in love to begin…

3 reasons why you should initiate sex with your husband

3 reasons why you should initiate sex with your husband

Although this article is for women, I’m sure some astonished men are looking in, and asking, “What do you mean why you should initiate sex?!”   To guys, the answer is completely obvious!  It reminds me of that line from the movie City Slickers when Billy Crystal’s character tells his friend, “Women need a reason…