What Forgiveness Can Teach Us About Creating a Thriving Life

What Forgiveness Can Teach Us About Creating a Thriving Life

Simple Superpowers Series, Part 3: Researchers have identified simple superpowers that help us flourish in our lives and relationships. In week 1 we looked at gratitude. Week 2 focused on curiosity. This Part 3 focuses on forgiveness – and it’s so crucial that we’ve broken it up into two separate posts. This week we focus on why forgiveness…

Two Steps to Improving Your Emotional Health This Thanksgiving

Two Steps to Improving Your Emotional Health This Thanksgiving

I think we can all agree that in many ways this has been a brutal year. Or three. The war in Ukraine. Continued pandemic impacts. Unprecedented levels of anxiety. Spiking costs. But . . . there are also many ways in which this has been a time of grace. Marriages have been strengthened. Church attendance…