Marriage Monday: Be All-In – and Don't Believe the Myth of the High Divorce Rate

Marriage Monday: Be All-In – and Don't Believe the Myth of the High Divorce Rate

Marriage Tip: In a second marriage, be “all in” instead of trying to protect yourself… and don’t believe the myth of the high divorce rate. If you’re on your second marriage, you’ve probably heard – many times! – that your odds aren’t good. Maybe your first marriage ended in divorce and you entered a new…

Go to Church

Go to Church

Tip 12: Go to Church One of the biggest myths discouraging churchgoers in recent decades is the notion that “George Barna found the rate of divorce is the same in the church.” On the contrary, George Barna found no such thing – and the real facts point us to a key action for anyone who…

Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Tip 11: Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime I can still remember one of the most visually-effective points I’ve ever seen made by a professor. In my business school course on financial institutions, the professor was talking about a recent Wall Street scandal. He surveyed the usual horseshoe-shaped amphitheater, walked over…