Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience

In graduate school, one of my favorite classes was Harvard Law School’s renowned Negotiations course.  The professors – the co-authors of Getting to Yes – demonstrated that THE  key to negotiation is to thoroughly understand the other party and their interests.  Know your audience, get inside their head, understand both their interest and their perceptions…

Men Perceive “Emotions” as Way More Than Crying

Men Perceive “Emotions” as Way More Than Crying

We always say that men are uncomfortable with emotions.  But what does that really mean?  What do they consider to be part of the “emotional” realm?  It can’t be that men have no emotions.  Rather, men display emotion differently than women.  Biological architecture of male brains enables them to experience the four basic emotions –…

Don't Judge Me When I'm a Little Excited, School Starts Again!

Don't Judge Me When I'm a Little Excited, School Starts Again!

As a contributing regular blogger to, I open up about the struggle in my own life to find balance between family and work. I always have a wistful feeling when the end of summer approaches, and I know the family will be transitioning back into the school year, after several idyllic months of sun,…