My Kids Are Freaked Out About the Shemitah

My Kids Are Freaked Out About the Shemitah

Dear Shaunti, Recently my husband and I read Jonathan Cahn’s book The Harbinger, so we’re attuned to the signals of a “shaking” coming in our country.  Financial markets are tanking as we near the Shemitah, just as Cahn warned might happen. [Editorial note: the current 7-year Shemitah cycle, based on the ancient Hebrew calendar, ended…

How do I deflate my teenage son’s oversized ego and curb the cockiness?

How do I deflate my teenage son’s oversized ego and curb the cockiness?

Dear Shaunti, I’m a single mom to two teenage boys, and because their dad was an arrogant man I’m highly sensitive to teenage cockiness.  I really want to teach the boys humility.  My 17 year old is fine, but my 15 year old is convinced he’s God’s gift to his school, every girl he meets,…