What To Do When You Think “What I Need is Obvious —Why Aren’t You Doing It?”

What To Do When You Think “What I Need is Obvious —Why Aren’t You Doing It?”

When Jeff and I first began doing marriage conferences, one church decided to schedule their fall event for eight hours on a Saturday. We gently tried to suggest a shorter timeframe (Fall is FOOTBALL SEASON y’all), but the organizers truly wanted all day. So we taught on what men and women need to know about…

3 Reasons Your Wife Won’t Tell You Exactly What She Wants

3 Reasons Your Wife Won’t Tell You Exactly What She Wants

Not long ago, someone we know got engaged via a multi-stage, elaborate proposal that had clearly taken an immense amount of thought and effort. A mutual friend, upon hearing the story, told him, “Good job. Only 9,999,999 tests left to go.” The lucky groom, of course, wondered: why do women “test” and “play games” with…