For the Next Few Weeks, We Have a Choice to Make
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For the Next Few Weeks, We Have a Choice to Make

In a few hours, the polls will close. And for the next few days or weeks, we’ll all have a choice to make: how are we going to handle the outcome of the election? Especially if the “outcome” means flying through intense political turbulence, as simmering frustrations, uncertainties and fears boil over around us. If—or…

PART 2—The Election Probably Won’t Be Over on November 3 (and How Churches Can Respond)

PART 2—The Election Probably Won’t Be Over on November 3 (and How Churches Can Respond)

This is the second article of a two-part series. Part 1 shared why it is highly possible we will not know who our next president is for many weeks after election day and thus might go through an explosive, contentious time. That article encouraged pastors, leaders and individuals to help set the expectations of their…

The Election Probably Won’t Be Over on November 3 (and How Churches Can Respond)— PART 1

The Election Probably Won’t Be Over on November 3 (and How Churches Can Respond)— PART 1

In the pre-electronic age, wherever people clustered together and built community buildings (city halls, schools, churches) the most central one usually had a bell tower. Someone would pull the rope and ring the bell as a morning alarm, or as notice that church was about to start, or in celebration. But the most intense, long…