Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Tip 11: Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime I can still remember one of the most visually-effective points I’ve ever seen made by a professor. In my business school course on financial institutions, the professor was talking about a recent Wall Street scandal. He surveyed the usual horseshoe-shaped amphitheater, walked over…

A Big Day: Busting Discouraging Myths About Marriage — PLEASE HELP!

A Big Day: Busting Discouraging Myths About Marriage — PLEASE HELP!

A BIG BIG BIG DAY! And a personal favor to ask you! Today is the culmination of eight years of intense effort, late nights, shocking discoveries, God-holding-my-feet-to-the-fire drive, and immense hope for change –and I am going to ask all of you, my friends, for your help. I have never asked this before, but please,…

Strangers Among Us

Strangers Among Us

  Overall: after being married for 10+ years we are total strangers to each other and thinking about packing it in. Any advice?  By Jackie Coleman Instant news updates, instant popcorn, instant messaging…instant gratification. Our businesses revolve around efficiency and speedy results. Our grocery stores are filled with foods of convenience. Our technology allows us…