Crime and Punishment: When Do Teens Deserve Cell-Phone Restriction?

Crime and Punishment: When Do Teens Deserve Cell-Phone Restriction?

Dear Shaunti, Undoubtedly, the most effective punishment for my teenage daughter is taking away her cell phone. There’s just one little problem: she freaks out when I do. I’m certain I’d get less of a freak-out if I ordered her to sleep in a box in the yard for a week (hmmm…) What’s her deal?…

One Last Dance

“Your effort to be present, both physically and emotionally, sends an important message.” For Parents Only: Getting Inside the Head of Your Kid by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice Here’s the story of one father who took “being present” to a whole new level…get out your tissues…you’re going to need them.

A Mother’s Day Encouragement – You’ll See Great Things In Time

A Mother’s Day Encouragement – You’ll See Great Things In Time

I’m not a big gardener, but I grew up watching a vital truth unfold as my mother poured effort into her garden day after day, seeing no visible results at first, but knowing the results would come.  I would get impatient staring at bare soil after hours spent tilling and planting and weeding, but she’d…