The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 3: “If My Spouse Loved Me, They Would WANT To Do What Warms My Heart!”

The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 3: “If My Spouse Loved Me, They Would WANT To Do What Warms My Heart!”

Would it surprise you to know that there are multiple ways most of us have damaging, subconscious, “it doesn’t count if . . .” or “if they loved me, they would . . .” expectations of our spouse? Let me share just two.

This Is What Makes Your Man Vulnerable—Be Aware And Take Care!
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This Is What Makes Your Man Vulnerable—Be Aware And Take Care!

An iceberg is typically 90% below the surface, with only 10% visible. Does your man ever seem like that iceberg, with so much hiding under the surface compared to the small portion you can actually see? Like many men, he probably doesn’t volunteer a whole lot about what he’s thinking and feeling deep down. So…

Financial Friction? Money Strategies that Will Help Your Marriage

Financial Friction? Money Strategies that Will Help Your Marriage

It’s no secret that money can cause friction in marriage. In fact, many husbands and wives essentially manage finances separately, just to avoid that friction! And while doing that can be tempting (and I mean really tempting!), our Thriving in Love & Money research shows that handling money independently breaks the very trust that binds us…