When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part Three.

When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part Three.

This is the third and final article in a 3-part series written by Christian Sex Therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma of Building Intimate Marriages, offering hope, encouragement, and direction to wives who have a stronger sexual drive than their husbands.  In Part One and Part Two, Dr. Sytsma pointed out that wives with a stronger sexual drive than their…

8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 3

8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 3

This is the final piece in a three-part series for young twenty-something couples pondering marriage – and those who love them. Please pass this article – and Part 1 and Part 2 – along to someone who needs it. If the twenty-something you know wants more practical help and encouragement for relationships, encourage them to…

8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 1

8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 1

This will be a three-part series for young twenty-something couples pondering marriage – and those who love them. Please pass this Part 1 along to someone who needs it and encourage them to sign up for this blog so they see the very practical elements of Part 2 and Part 3. Speaking at a women’s event…

More Money Won’t Help Your Marriage – But These Habits Will
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More Money Won’t Help Your Marriage – But These Habits Will

“If we just had more money it would change everything . . .”   That thought comes so easily when there are financial tensions in marriage. “If we just had an extra $200 per month, we wouldn’t argue about keeping the A/C turned down so low.” Or, “If my salary were higher, her weekly trips to…

What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

You giggled about it in middle school, read about it in books, and have seen it implied or portrayed countless times on-screen. And your mind and heart have absorbed dozens of myths about sex in the process. Some of these misconceptions are relatively harmless (stock up on those oysters!) – but some are keeping you…