Reflections on a city that doesn't know how to handle snow.

Reflections on a city that doesn't know how to handle snow.

Remember February 2014 when Atlanta was the laughingstock of the country for having citywide gridlock, with tens of thousands of cars stranded on the roads overnight, because of an inch or two of ice and snow? Atlanta sure does! We call that embarrassing episode Snowmageddon, and every Atlanta resident has their own story of that…

If You Don't Want Your Colleagues to See You as "Mommy," Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry

If You Don't Want Your Colleagues to See You as "Mommy," Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Dear Shaunti, I am back in the workforce after ten years as a stay-at-home mom, and I know my experience juggling kids has prepared me well for my new project manager job. After all, before 7 am each morning alone, I have a husband and three kids to get fed, clothed, and out the door…