What You Need to Survive the Flight from Hell (Featuring a Screaming Baby)

What You Need to Survive the Flight from Hell (Featuring a Screaming Baby)

I write this from 30,000 feet, heading home to my family. And about 5 rows behind me, there’s a very unhappy 20-month old. Actually two. A sweet husband and wife have two adorable, cherub-faced, curly-haired twin boys – and both of them have very good lungs. They have spent the 40 minutes of boarding, taxing for takeoff,…

4 Secrets in Your Man’s Heart (That You Need to Know)

4 Secrets in Your Man’s Heart (That You Need to Know)

Ladies, if you could improve your relationship with your man by applying a few simple truths, would you?  Seriously: think about that question. Because I’ve found in my research with thousands of men for For Women Only, that the things that light your man up — and which hurt him — are probably quite different…