2 Steps You Must Take to Improve Your Struggling Marriage

2 Steps You Must Take to Improve Your Struggling Marriage

Lynn and her husband, Dan, have been married for 20 years and their youngest son is leaving for college in the fall. Over the years, between busy careers and kids’ extracurricular activities, Lynn and Dan just kind of . . . drifted. But not drifting in a pleasant, easy-breezy way; they’re basically living separate lives…

3 Reasons Your Wife Won’t Tell You Exactly What She Wants

3 Reasons Your Wife Won’t Tell You Exactly What She Wants

Not long ago, someone we know got engaged via a multi-stage, elaborate proposal that had clearly taken an immense amount of thought and effort. A mutual friend, upon hearing the story, told him, “Good job. Only 9,999,999 tests left to go.” The lucky groom, of course, wondered: why do women “test” and “play games” with…