Mourning in our Ministry: The Amazing Life of Naomi Duncan

Mourning in our Ministry: The Amazing Life of Naomi Duncan

Sixteen years ago, in December of 2004, I met a remarkable woman who drove from Nashville to Atlanta to visit with me.  Three months before, I had published my first relationship book, For Women Only, which was quickly becoming one of those unexpected best-sellers that turns your life upside down.  Only I had no idea…

The Emerge Stronger Series: Learn About Yourself and Your Spouse to Navigate Money Well

The Emerge Stronger Series: Learn About Yourself and Your Spouse to Navigate Money Well

This is the 5th and final part of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating this trying time in our lives and marriages—and emerging stronger. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 here. Feel free to share this with those who might benefit! As we noted last time, one…

The Emerge Stronger Series: Come Together Around Money (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

The Emerge Stronger Series: Come Together Around Money (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

This is Part 4 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating this trying time in our lives and marriages—and emerging stronger. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 here.Feel free to share this with those who might benefit! We all know that money is one of the main…

The Emerge Stronger Series: Get Emotionally Close While Being Physically Close

The Emerge Stronger Series: Get Emotionally Close While Being Physically Close

This is Part 3 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating this trying time in our lives and marriages—and emerging stronger. Feel free to share this with those who might benefit! If you listen to the pundits, the conventional wisdom is that this quarantine is fracturing marriages in an unprecedented way….

The Emerge Stronger Series: Attitude is Everything

The Emerge Stronger Series: Attitude is Everything

This is Part 1 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating this trying time in our lives and marriages—and emerging stronger. Feel free to share this with those who might benefit! All of us are caught up in a natural disaster, aren’t we? Unlike a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, this natural…