Plan Intentionally for Summer to Achieve Balance Between Kids and Work (part 1)

Plan Intentionally for Summer to Achieve Balance Between Kids and Work (part 1)

In my last blog I talked about the stress felt by every working mom during the summer – which is the majority of moms.  Fully 77% of women who have kids over the age of 3 work, and most of those jobs continue during the summer.  So how do we handle the tug-of-war that inevitably…

Remember Moms when summer days were free from care?  Not for working Moms!

Remember Moms when summer days were free from care? Not for working Moms!

I can remember how excited as a child I was for summer to begin and how I looked forward to carefree and relaxing days… OK.  Summer is almost here. I should be excited. I am excited.  I look forward to seeing my kids carefree, playing in the sprinklers, and determining that this is surely the…

A "Rest-Beat":  A Tool for Finding Time for Yourself (Part 1)

A "Rest-Beat": A Tool for Finding Time for Yourself (Part 1)

Shaunti’s much needed Life Ready Woman series was developed to help women understand their role in today’s “do-it-all” world. Shaunti has been a mom for 12 years; she and Jeff have been married for 17 years. I was recently asked, “How do working moms get some ‘me’ time?” This is a question that I think…