Wow – a commercial that shows a great dad, not a doofus dad!

Wow – a commercial that shows a great dad, not a doofus dad!

You HAVE to see this great new commercial for Peanut Butter Cheerios that my husband Jeff sent my way! What a refreshing change to see a commercial that features a strong, confident dad, presents such a man as the NORM, and celebrates how guys just do a few things differently as parents. Definitely a contrast…

Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Tip #25: Women, when you know you need to ask your husband to accept guidance or help, and you know he might feel painfully inadequate as a result, say it with kindness and in a way that makes it about your need rather than his failure. One of the things I was most surprised by,…