Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud

Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud

Welcome to the weekly list at Ask Shaunti! Each Wednesday, join me as I share a few of the little, eye-opening things about men, women, and relationships that make a big difference in marriages and families. Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud: 1. “I need to feel desirable.” We women may…

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

Dear Shaunti, I can’t wait until the presidential election is over. My husband and I were on the same page politically until a few months ago, but are now very divided. I literally can’t skim past a cable news channel without my husband trying to force me into a discussion about a political issue. He’s trying…

Join me on an amazing cruise – limited time offer!

Join me on an amazing cruise – limited time offer!

Do you love the idea of a Valentine’s week cruise?! The ship for the 2016 Love, Laugh, and Learn Cruise is filling up faster than expected. This particular Celebrity cruise ship is unbelievable (brand-new in 2012). DON’T WAIT! Click or call 877.229.6155 now to explore.   And as of today, there are extra savings available in on board credit up to $600…