How Do Husbands Rate Their Marriage? The Survey Says….

How Do Husbands Rate Their Marriage? The Survey Says….

Husbands, how would you rate your marriage? The Iron Sharpens Iron ministry for men recently conducted a single-question survey of 1,500 married men who attended their events. And that was their question: How would you rate the state of your marriage in 2018? The answer options were: “struggling,” “fine,” “good,” and “godly.” Conventional wisdom—based on…

5 Easy Ways a Dad Can Connect With His Teen Daughter’s Heart

5 Easy Ways a Dad Can Connect With His Teen Daughter’s Heart

**This article is part of our August and September 2018 Guest Blog series. During a particular intense ‘sandwich generation’ season (launching my daughter to college and my son to high school, helping my parents move to Atlanta, and tackling a major research deadline), I am taking this opportunity to introduce my readers to the insight…

Maintain Your Schedule Sanity While Supporting Your Teen’s Success

Maintain Your Schedule Sanity While Supporting Your Teen’s Success

It’s back-to-school season, and with the new school year kids will have the chance to get involved in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get kids to try (and commit to) new activities…but many teens have an over-abundance of enthusiasm for diving into a full schedule of teams, clubs,…