Don't Force Your Sex Life into Hibernation Mode By Choosing Sleep Over Sex

Don't Force Your Sex Life into Hibernation Mode By Choosing Sleep Over Sex

Dear Shaunti, We have young kids, and often I’m so exhausted that I just want to go to sleep without my husband trying to start something. Most of the time I have absolutely no interest in sex late at night, after running afternoon carpool, juggling karate and ballet lessons, making dinner, helping with homework (my…

Crime and Punishment: When Do Teens Deserve Cell-Phone Restriction?

Crime and Punishment: When Do Teens Deserve Cell-Phone Restriction?

Dear Shaunti, Undoubtedly, the most effective punishment for my teenage daughter is taking away her cell phone. There’s just one little problem: she freaks out when I do. I’m certain I’d get less of a freak-out if I ordered her to sleep in a box in the yard for a week (hmmm…) What’s her deal?…