A reader question about divorce rates for two subgroups, those with Aspergers and lawyers

A reader question about divorce rates for two subgroups, those with Aspergers and lawyers

Reader Question: “Regarding two specific demographics…if the 50% divorce rate is not true, what about the divorce rates for certain sub groups, like those with Aspergers (may be as high as 80%) or lawyers (60%)? Are those stats true? If they are, does that in comparison to the true divorce percentages make it an event…

Wives, see his anger as a legitimate signal of pain – and address it with respect

Wives, see his anger as a legitimate signal of pain – and address it with respect

Tip #33: Wives, see his anger as a legitimate signal of pain – and address it with respect Every relationship – even the happiest ones! – will have moments of conflict. And how we deal with that conflict can make the relationship stronger…. or really hurt it. Ladies, one of the clearest examples of this is…

An Open Letter from Shaunti Feldhahn in response to the Focus on the Family Singapore school program controversy”

“An Open Letter from Shaunti Feldhahn in response to the Focus on the Family Singapore school program controversy”  To the leaders of Focus on the Family Singapore: I have seen the news reports about the current questions and concerns raised by a student about the FOTF program taught in schools. It appears that some significant…

Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful

Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful

Tip #32: Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful. Every little girl dreams of finding her prince and knowing she is his princess. Husbands, you need to know that even after years of marriage, your wife probably still has some of that little girl inside. A little girl who wants to…