Finding Contentment in the Everyday: Embracing the Lost Art of Doing Nothing

Finding Contentment in the Everyday: Embracing the Lost Art of Doing Nothing

I am delighted this week to hand the keys to the car over to my Staff and Operations Director Eileen Kirkland. She keeps this ministry organized (and keeps me sane!)—and as you’ll also read in her guest blog this week, she keeps things real with her teenage kids. I hope her words encourage you to…

What Husbands Need Most From Their Wives (Part 1)

What Husbands Need Most From Their Wives (Part 1)

This is the first part of a multi-part series on what our spouses need, but may not always articulate. This week and next, we are focusing on husbands. After that, we’ll focus on wives. *  You read the headline, and you’re pretty sure you know the answer.  Sex, right?  Yes, sexual intimacy does make list of…