Follow This One Simple Rule to Improve Your Relationship

Follow This One Simple Rule to Improve Your Relationship

If (like most people) you made some New Year’s resolutions this year, maybe one of them had to do with improving your relationship with your spouse. Wanting to love the most important person in our life well and “do better” in our marriage is a noble thing. But you’ve probably already discovered that moving from…

Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge Today and Give Your Valentine the Best Gift Ever

Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge Today and Give Your Valentine the Best Gift Ever

It seems like Christmas is barely over—we’re on celebration overload and are still struggling with “what year is it now?”—when the Valentine’s Day displays go up in all the stores. Is it just me or is your inner Scrooge grumbling: “Hey, give me a minute before we dive into the next holiday, please!”? But believe…

A Tribute to An Amazing Father – And a Note of Thanks to ALL the Caring Fathers Out There.

A Tribute to An Amazing Father – And a Note of Thanks to ALL the Caring Fathers Out There.

Today would have been my precious father’s 77th birthday. Two weeks before Christmas, my Mom held him and my brother and I held his hands, as God brought him Home.  I am missing him and thinking about him so much today – especially about what an incredible gift that I’ve been given in my Dad. …