A Happy Husband
Shaunti shares a comment from a reader with a very happy husband after she read For Women Only.
Shaunti shares a comment from a reader with a very happy husband after she read For Women Only.
If it seems like your wife is picking fights, it’s not to be cruel; she is subconsciously making sure you love her, no matter what.
Dads, you are all so very important and your kids are actually influenced by what you say and do with them far more than you may believe. I want to share with you an email we received from a single dad who, inspired by my book For Parents Only, initiated an important conversation with his…
Talking to a teenager is like… It’s amazing what comes up when you do a Google search with those words! Talking to a teenager is like talking to aliens. Talking to teenagers is like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree. Talking to a teenager is like pulling weeds. None of these things sounds particularly…
Ladies, don’t assume that just because your man doesn’t initiate your idea of romance that it’s not important to him. Men usually need to be affirmed in their efforts at romance. This is a continuation of the audio message from Shaunti originally recorded in the studio at Family Life with Dennis Rainey.
Shaunti discusses men’s hidden and unrecognized insecurities.