Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful

Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful

Tip #32: Husbands, get in the habit of telling your wife she is beautiful. Every little girl dreams of finding her prince and knowing she is his princess. Husbands, you need to know that even after years of marriage, your wife probably still has some of that little girl inside. A little girl who wants to…

Marriage Monday: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband

Marriage Monday: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband

Tip #31: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband Happy spouses help create happy marriages! Makes sense right? And it turns out that one of the things that will keep you happy – and thus your marriage happy – is avoiding a situation where you are likely to experience unmet expectations. Let me give…

Calling All Teens!

Calling All Teens!

Are you a teenager who would like to discuss my books? Would your son or daughter like a place to talk about For Young Women Only or For Young Men Only? Good news! We have started a new Facebook group just for teens! The group is moderated and closed, so discussions are private within the group….

Marriage Monday: Understand How Each Other Processes Emotions

Marriage Monday: Understand How Each Other Processes Emotions

Tip #30: Understand how each other will process strong emotions differently, to have better communication. We have all heard the funny saying men are from Mars and women are from Venus, however when it comes to processing strong emotions, this could be close to the truth! And understanding those differences will give you much better…

Discuss With Your Daughters: Miss America’s Red Cup and Being Yourself

Discuss With Your Daughters: Miss America’s Red Cup and Being Yourself

Did you catch the Miss America pageant this weekend?  A large percentage of the population missed it, either accidentally or on purpose –so did we!—but the social media world exploded anyway.  And instead of people analyzing the dresses, rolling their eyes about the swimsuit contest, or dishing about the embarrassing personal revelations, everyone was talking…