Eye Update – Upcoming Surgery

IMG_1014Hi everyone! Some of you have been asking how my eye is doing. (You may remember I managed to tear my cornea in January. Not my most shining moment!)

Here’s the deal. Although my eye is healed, it didn’t heal properly. The top layer of the cornea isn’t adhering well to the other layers, so when I am a bit dehydrated (eg, on an airplane flight) or have my eyes closed for a long period (eg, overnight) the top layer of the cornea sometimes sticks to the underside of my eyelid and when I open my eyes it pulls it away. Ouch. More than ouch, actually. It has happened a few times and is excruciating and debilitating –and I cannot afford that to happen in a hotel somewhere, away from medical help, and before I am supposed to speak.

So it looks like I will need to have a bit of eye surgery to scrape off the top layer of the cornea again and let it heal properly. (Yeah, makes me shudder too, to be honest!) It took me a while to come to terms with needing to do this because it means I have to go through being blind and in pain again for 3-5 days, and then all the healing process again. But now I am at peace and just so thankful that this medical technology exists to hopefully solve the problem once and for all! (This procedure solves it in 97% of cases.)

Right now, the procedure is tentatively scheduled for 8am, May 6, and I will be out of commission for a week, but my great team will keep posting content on social media, and so on, and will definitely post an update on how I am doing. I will send another update as we get closer!

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