Eye Update to Blinded by a Panera Straw – Doing Much Better!

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Hi everyone!

Thought you’d want to know: Jeff drove me to the eye doctor on our way to the airport and the doctor practically cheered when she saw my eye! She says the actual injury is completely HEALED!  Wohoo!  The healing process for the whole eye is continuing, and it still hurts because of the strain, and I am still overly sensitive to light, but I am SO grateful that the original puncture/abrasion itself has cleanly healed. This cornea-specialist doctor was the one who wanted me to cancel my speaking engagement this weekend because she thought it would be too much of a risk, and there was no way it would be healed by now, she said I would have to come in every few days for the next few weeks, and when we left, she said ‘Well….I guess just see a general optometrist in about a week for a final check.’

I wanted to cheer, too! I am so thankful for your prayers and support this week, and for God’s great kindness to me. 

I am actually at the airport now, on the plane, getting ready to fly out, and will be resting my eye and keeping it closed as much as possible today to keep the healing going over this busy weekend ahead.  I would sure appreciate your continued prayers for the healing to finish well over the next week, and that I would get through tomorrow’s long two-hour talk and Q+A session under bright lights okay, without too much strain or getting sick to my stomach. 

Appreciate you all, and thought you’d want to know the good news!

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