Something Exciting to Share!!

Susan and Shaunti

As some of you know, I’m an iSpecialist for iMOM, headed by Susan Merrill – and I love Susan’s heart for parenting with passion according to each of our unique abilities and interests rather than advocating a cookie cutter, copycat approach. She just released her first book The Passionate Mom, and I just HAVE to give it a shout-out since it is chock full of wisdom from Susan’s own experience as the mom of FIVE kids!  

As Susan frequently says, “Little children, little problems; big children, big problems,” and I KNOW her book is going to be a vital guide for me over the next 10 years as I navigate my kids through grade school, middle school, high school and then launch them into life.

I don’t usually get fearful, but as I watched my daughter try on dresses for her first middle school dance a couple of days ago, I had a few freak-out moments!  Am I ready for this?  Am I going to be able to be a good mom as I guide her through a whole new season? It is so easy to let fear, worry, anxiety and panic take hold as we ride this roller coaster called motherhood. But as Susan so winsomely explains, when we approach motherhood with purpose we can develop our own unique plan so that one day we will each be able to say “I’m not perfect, but I really did do my best.”  (If you want to learn more about Susan’s book, click on the box below – don’t you just love the book cover?!)

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I’m also excited that Susan has some amazing giveaways planned over the next week – yes, moms love giveaways!  By purchasing The Passionate Mom, you can win gifts ranging from my own video “Understanding How Your Husband Thinks,” (isn’t that sweet of her to use my video as a gift?!) to an iPad mini or even a trip to Disney World!  Each gift was chosen by Susan and ties directly to her book.  Click on the box below to join in on the fun!

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 And join me in praying for Susan’s book to have amazing traction that will help lots of other moms be confident in the fact that they really did do their best, too!

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