What I’m Loving Lately: March 2022

Hi Friends,
Can I tell you how thrilled I am to be done with my book deadline and back into “normal life”?!
I wanted to update you on my excitement about that and some of the other key things I’m enjoying now that I’ve re-entered human society!

1. Our latest research project and book is written!!
Many of you followed my Instagram Stories as I narrated the process of writing our latest research book on sex and marriage. I’m pretty sure you thought I’d be writing that book forever . . . because I was starting to think that, too! This has been by far the most complicated and sensitive research project to date—mostly because we are deep-diving into one of the most misunderstood and most sensitive topics that affects marriages. We wanted to be sure we were getting it right. Thankfully, our co-author, renowned sex therapist, Dr. Michael Sytsma, is so wise and was so good about ensuring everything was accurate. We have a lot still to do (multiple rounds of edits, design, and so on) but we are thrilled about getting this game-changing book out to you next February!
2. Opening up means getting to do fun stuff again!

Is anyone else loving how much things are opening up after COVID? This past weekend I got to go see my first live theatre show since the pandemic, with my friend Beth Bacall—and it was glorious. Having spent much of my life onstage and choreographing musical theatre, being back in person, with the dancing and music—ah, so good for the spirits.
3. My kids make me laugh!
I have to show you this text from my college-age daughter who—like many—is an avid TikTok person. (As she puts it, “sharing TikToks is my generation’s love language!”) For a project I was working on, I needed to track down some funny TikToks—including ones she’d sent me before—and figured she could help. I got this text message back. I had to laugh.

Speaking of those funny TikToks, you have to see this one. I can’t not share something so adorable. If you’ve ever wondered what your young kids are saying (or singing!) to themselves when they think you can’t hear them, now’s your chance. (Watch to the end!)
@chasing.sage ♬ original sound – chasing.sage
4. And speaking of my kids . . . I’m so aware that “kid time” is now limited!
There is a giant ticking clock hanging over my house. Our son is a high school senior, with less than two months until graduation. Wait, what? How did that happen??? While it is a very bittersweet thought that he will so swiftly be off to college and flying on his own, I am truly loving and savoring the time we are getting to spend with him now. This weekend we had a Marvel movie marathon “just because.” Oh, my heart.
5. I’m starting my next devotional!

Am I allowed to say how much I’m looking forward to not jumping back into a research project just yet and writing my next devotional instead? Although I love doing the research and seeing the relationship transformation that comes from writing the non-fiction relationship books, those projects involve so many moving parts and are so complex! They also take three years to complete. So after the last few years of work on the sex-and-marriage book, my team and I are eager to tackle the next devotional called Find Hope. Which is something I’m guessing that all of us need in this crazy season we are living through.