Tomorrow Is An Important Day In My Health Journey


As some of you know, I recently found out that I have breast cancer (see my blog about it here). It’s been a whirlwind medical journey since right before Christmas as I’ve gone through all sorts of crazy testing adventures – each one of them seemingly leading to more tests! (I know that those of you who have gone through this sort of process yourself are all nodding in recognition right now.)

When I was first diagnosed, I was so aware of how clueless I was about this new world and all the decisions I’d need to make, that my research nerdiness came out in full force. I started interviewing those who have gone before me on this journey. And the biggest thing I’ve heard is how flexible one really needs to be. And I’ve seen that over and over in just the last few weeks.  As much as I want to try to control and think ahead, this journey doesn’t work that way: you can only look at the next step and the new information that will come from that step, which will then probably change the next one.

Well, tomorrow is a big next step in this journey. I’ll be in surgery and recovery for several hours.  And praying for good news!

Here’s a video with a more personal update and some additional details about what’s happening tomorrow. I surely would appreciate your prayers. And I’m beyond thankful that God goes before me and has all of this under control.

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  1. Sending prayers for your surgery and recovery. I went through this breast cancer journey in 2018 at stage 1, and all is well now.

    Newell and take care.

  2. I am so happy to hear the surgery and preliminary results are encouraging. Blessing and quick healing in the mighty name of Jesus!

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