An Update From The Team
Thank you all for praying for Shaunti! The surgery she had on Friday went well. It was longer than expected but they were able to not only do the lumpectomy but also address the hematoma on the other breast. The quick test of the tissue from the lymph nodes were benign—and while we won’t know 100% until the lab results come back in about 10 days, they’ve said the accuracy rate of the quick test is 96-97%. We’re counting it all as great news!
Shaunti’s experienced some nausea and pain but is home and feeling better every day. Her family is taking good care of her! Please continue to pray that she gets the rest she needs and that the lab results come back benign.
A Note From Shaunti:
Hi friends,
Thanks so much for all of your encouragement and your prayers. I am really doing well although still fatigued and managing the pain. But very, very grateful that we live in an age where being able to treat this cancer so well is possible. I’m going to be taking it easy for the next couple of days but we’ll be back up and posting blogs later this week. Also, Jeff and I will be heading to a speaking engagement on Friday so we’d appreciate your continued prayers for the recovery process to go smoothly.

Lots of love and prayers Shanti. Continue strive stronger and we are there to hold you up.
Shaunti, so glad to hear the good report. I was also diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer about 12 years ago with similar circumstances. I developed a hematoma due to a reaction to the dye when they were looking for the sentinel lymph node. It didn’t require surgery, but it was very uncomfortable. Thankfully, my lymph nodes were clear, but due to my oncotype score I did require 4 rounds of chemotherapy. I also had radiation followed by 5 years of an oral drug (aromatase inhibitor). I did not have any family history so this seemed to come out of no where. But, the good news is that God used it as a platform to minister to many wonderful ladies. I will never forget that awful time, but I will also never forget the incredible way God used it in my life and others. I would need many pages to tell you everything. But know, that all these years later, I still see that season as a time when God made himself known in a very special way during an especially awful time in my life. Lamentations 3:20-24 NLT
[20] I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. [21] Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: [22] The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. [23] Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. [24] I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” Praying for you, Gina Welsh❤️
Dear Shaunti,
News travels fast, and we are praying for you in California!
Love from Dan & Patrice
Praying for you guys. Sorry you’re having to walk this road. Prayers for a quick recovery from surgery and confirmed good news on the biopsy.
David and Melody