Merry Christmas!

From all of us here – from Shaunti and Jeff, their core team, and the the whole crew of writers, researchers, and advisors – we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Shaunti, Jeff, and their team

Core team from right: Eileen, Charlyn, Katie, Shaunti, Caroline (in Atlanta) and Naomi (photoshopped in from Oregon)

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One Comment

  1. Hi Shaunti, we met at AACC in Nashvile in 2017 at your book table. I just wanted to bring something to your attention.
    Did you see the article on Huffington Post called, 8 things Happy Couples do before bed? If not, Point 6 sounds an awful like your research but you didn’t get credit. I’m not trying to create a problem, I just wanted you to see your work spreading around the world. The phrasing is so similar to what I have heard you say on Focus on the Family and Family Life broadcasts and what what is actually written in your book on happy marriages.
    I appreaciate your hard work and years of service to couples. I’m a therapist in private practice and I proudly recommend your books to my clients.
    Thank you.
    here is the link:

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